Digital Engagement Programs in the Photography Interpretive Center
FAIN: CH-232892-16
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco, CA 94102-4522)
Corey Keller (Project Director: April 2015 to present)
Endowment funding for a new Photography Interpretive Center (PIC).
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is dedicated to making the art for our time a vital and meaningful part of public life. Currently undergoing a major building expansion, the museum will reopen in mid-2016 with not only an additional 100,000 square feet of gallery and public space but also a completely transformed visitor experience. A key component of the expanded building will be the new Photography Interpretive Center (PIC), which will offer visitors engaging experiences that allow them to better understand the complex processes and artistic choices that go into the creation of a photograph. Endowed funds from an NEH Challenge Grant will fund the most essential operating costs of the PIC: software/hardware and supplies for the ongoing maintenance and refinement of rotating digital interpretive exhibits and a pro-rated share of salaries and benefits for the staff who contribute most heavily to the PIC.
Media Coverage
SFMOMA Stakes Out Photography (Review)
Author(s): Kelly Crow
Publication: The Wall Street Journal
Date: 4/28/2016
Abstract: Review of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s (SFMOMA) commitment to collecting, exhibiting, and interpreting photography through the Photography Interpretive Center in the expanded museum’s Pritzker Center for Photography.
At San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art a New Frontier for Photography (Review)
Author(s): Glen Helfand
Publication: Aperture
Date: 4/21/2016
Abstract: Blog article featuring Glen Helfand’s conversation with SFMOMA’s senior curator of photography Sandra Phillips about photography and the Photography Interpretive Center in the expanded museum’s Pritzker Center for Photography.
SFMOMA Launches New Kind of Museum App, and More (Media Coverage)
Publication: Art Fix Daily
Date: 5/5/2016
Abstract: Press release for SFMOMA’s digital interpretative media, including the Photography Interpretive Gallery in the Pritzker Center of Photography.
Too Much Technology Can Spoil Your Warhol Experience (Review)
Author(s): Laura Sydell
Publication: NPR: All Tech Considered: Tech Culture, and Connection program
Date: 5/17/2016
Abstract: NPR Radio’s All Tech Considered: Tech, Culture, and Connection program featured Laura Sydell’s review of SFMOMA’s new digital interpretive media. The article is derived from a transcript of the broadcast.
SFMOMA woos a digital city with art, design, and tech (Review)
Author(s): Molly Wood
Publication: Marketplace
Date: 5/13/2016
Abstract: Overview of the newly expanded SFMOMA and its uses of technology, including in the Photography Interpretive Center.
SFMOMA woos a digital city with art, design, and tech (Review)
Author(s): Molly Wood
Publication: Marketplace
Date: 5/13/2016
Abstract: Overview of the newly expanded SFMOMA and its uses of technology, including in the Photography Interpretive Center.