Cummer Museum Humanities Program Endowment
FAIN: CH-233758-16
DeEtte Holden Cummer Museum Foundation (Jacksonville, FL 32204-3336)
Holly Keris (Project Director: May 2015 to June 2021)
Andrea Barnwell Brownlee (Project Director: June 2021 to present)
Endowment for humanities program costs.
The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens requests a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in the amount of $500,000 to support the establishment of a Humanities Program Endowment. The Museum will raise an additional $1.5 million in matching funds for a total endowment of $2 million. This is part of a larger $25 million campaign that will create named endowments and dedicated spaces for education, gardens, programs, and curatorial activities, all of which support the humanities. The Humanities Program Endowment will extend and sustain humanities-based public programming that connects diverse audiences to a variety of themes explored through the Museum’s Collections, exhibitions, historic gGardens, and educational initiatives. The needs and aspirations funded by the endowment will also be supported with a new facility dedicated to connecting audiences to intellectually rigorous explorations of art, history, religion, philosophy, literature, environment, and civil discourse.
Media Coverage
Cummer Facing Deadline on NEH Matching Grant (Media Coverage)
Publication: Florida Times-Union
Date: 7/16/2017
Abstract: July 21 is the deadline for the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens to raise the $375,000 needed to get a matching grant of $125,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit to donate.
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Dawn Zattau
Publication: Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens Blog
Date: 6/29/2017