Thinking Ahead: The Campaign for the Future of the Chicago Humanities Festival
FAIN: CH-50026-04
Chicago Humanities Festival (Chicago, IL 60654-3300)
Eileen R. Mackevich (Project Director: May 2003 to January 2006)
Endowment for humanities programming and educational initiatives.
The Chicago Humanities Festival seeks to secure and further its position as a preeminent public programming institution through the creation of a permanent endowmwnt to support and enhance year-round quality public programming and critical education initiatives. By providing a dependable source of essential annual income to support core Festival programming, an endowment income will ensure tha the highest quality public and education programs will remain accessible to diverse and growing audiences. The Chicago Humanities Festival requests support from The National Endowment for the Humanities in the form of a Challenge grant of $400,000 to form the bedrock of the endowment campaign and to assist in further leveraging additional private and corporate funds to reach our $12 million endowment goal.