
Challenge Programs: Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

12/1/2001 - 7/31/2008

Funding Totals (matching)

$125,000.00 (approved)
$50,000.00 (offered)
$50,000.00 (awarded)

Endowment of HSS Bibliographer's Position

FAIN: CH-50041-04

History of Science Society (Gainesville, FL 32611-7360)
Robert J. Malone (Project Director: May 2003 to November 2008)

Endowment for a half-time bibliographer of the society's annual monograph and cumulative database, the ISIS CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY.

The History of Science Society (HSS) is the world's largest historical society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine and their interactions with society. The HSS seeks a Challenge Grant to fund a critical part of its mission -- the position of Society Bibliographer. The HSS Bibliographer identified and records thousands of research items culled from hounals, dissertations, gooks, and other media. These records are then made available to scholars around the world. A Challenge Grant will secure the future of this important service to scholarship and the humanities. We expect to match the Grant by drawing on support from our 2,700 members, from our Council of Friends of the Society, and from organizations that have funded past HSS activities.