Library Funding Initiative for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
FAIN: CH-50156-05
Southeastern Library Network, Inc. (Atlanta, GA 30361-3503)
Kate F. Nevins (Project Director: May 2004 to November 2008)
Endowment for staff salaries and other costs of producing and maintaining the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) is one of the most significant and visible humanities projects on the world wide web, serving millions of pages annually to readers. This proposal seeks to build an endowment to ensure the long-term viability of the SEP as a free, open access resource that benefits academia and the general public. The proposal calls for a partnership between the SEP and the global academic and library communities, with the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) and the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Research Coalition (SPARC) raising funds, SOLINET administering the grant, and Stanford University managing the endowment.
Media Coverage
After 20 years, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy thrives on the web (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Michaela Hulstyn
Publication: Stanford Report
Date: 7/31/2015
Abstract: The Stanford scholars who founded the groundbreaking online encyclopedia say that the project owes its success to the unique way it organizes its community of contributors, editors and users.
URL: http://
We Read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's New Article on Social Media Ethics (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Robinson Meyer
Publication: The Atlantic
Date: 8/8/2012