Journeys: The Hendrix College Core Course
FAIN: CH-50169-05
Hendrix College (Conway, AR 72032-3080)
Mark S. Schantz (Project Director: May 2004 to December 2008)
Endowment for a faculty director, faculty development workshops, visiting lecturers, and library acquisitions on behalf of a freshman-year core course.
Hendrix College seeks a $500,000 challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to create an endowment that will allow us to develop, to support, and to enrich its core course, presently known as Journeys, in the years ahead. To be matched 4:1 by the College, the new endowment will increase the current endowment, raised with the assistance of an NEH Challenge Grant awarded in 1986 to develop and support the progenitor of Journeys. Specifically, Hendrix will endow a directorship for a full-time faculty member to provide leadership for the course, continue and enhance faculty development workshops, invite expert guest faculty to those workshops, establish a visiting lecture series for the course, and increase library resources for the course, including access to electronic reserves. This endowment will enable us to support a course even more ambitious in scope, more demanding of faculty and students, and richer in its supplementary activities, than the course it has replaced.