Endowment for Arabic Language Study
FAIN: CH-50269-06
Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA 19081-1390)
Constance Cain Hungerford (Project Director: May 2005 to October 2009)
Endowment for faculty positions in the teaching of Modern Standard Arabic.
Swarthmore College seeks an NEH Challenge Grant in the amount of $600,000, to be matched (4:1) by $2,400,000 in non-federal funds, to endow a program of language instruction in Modern Standard Arabic. The program will significantly strengthen both Swarthmore’s interdisciplinary Islamic studies program and the College’s distinctive ability to develop in students the knowledge and skills necessary to build common purpose across differences of culture, experience, and ideologies. The new program also will enhance a nascent collaboration in Islamic/Middle Eastern Studies within the Tri-College Consortium, which is made up of Swarthmore and its sister institutions Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges.