Princeton Public Library Endowment for the Humanities
FAIN: CH-50522-08
Princeton Public Library Foundation (Princeton, NJ 08542-3214)
Leslie Burger (Project Director: May 2007 to February 2016)
Endowment for a new humanities fellowship, public programming, related acquisitions and technology, as well as fund-raising expenses.
In order to develop, enhance and sustain Princeton Public Library's (PPL) public humanities programming, collections and technology resources, the PPL Foundation proposes to raise $2 million to create a PPL Endowment for the Humanities that will ensure the community has access -- in perpetuity -- to the humanities despite increasingly limited municipal budget funding sources. To be successful in its 3-year fundraising goal, the Foundation is requesting a $500,000 NEH Challenge Grant that would be matched 3:1 from private contributions. Of the total $2 million raised, $150,000 will be used to help underwrite campaign fundraising costs and as bridge funds to support PPL's humanities programming and related investments while the endowment is being raised. The remaining $1,850,000 will be invested as an endowment that will yield annual support for a new PPL Humanities Fellowship and for PPL's ongoing public humanities programs and related humanities collection and technology investments.