
Challenge Programs: Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

12/1/2006 - 7/31/2014

Funding Totals (matching)

$375,000.00 (approved)
$225,762.49 (offered)
$225,762.49 (awarded)

Expanding Humanities Resources in the Heart of Silicon Valley

FAIN: CH-50656-09

San Jose State University Research Foundation (San Jose, CA 95112-5569)
Ruth Kifer (Project Director: May 2008 to November 2014)

Endowment for the purchase of library resources and to support programs in the humanities.

The San Jose State University (SJSU) Library has partnered with the San Jose Public Library to create the nation's largest joint academic and public library - the Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Library - a lifelong learning center for the entire community. With an NEH Challenge Grant and matching private funds, the SJSU Library will establish an endowment that will allow the library to acquire new humanities information resources and develop library programming that supports SJSU's humanities curriculum. As a joint library, the resources and programming will serve 32,000 students, as well as University faculty and staff, and the 2.4 million residents in Silicon Valley. Digitally archived programming will be shared with scholars worldwide.

Associated Products

University Library Self-Study, 2008-2013 (Report)
Title: University Library Self-Study, 2008-2013
Author: Ruth Kifer
Abstract: University Library Self Study and Plans for the Future
Date: 12/1/2013
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