Telling Nebraska Stories in the Digital Age
FAIN: CH-50695-10
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (Lincoln, NE 68503-1409)
David Feingold (Project Director: May 2009 to October 2014)
A digital humanities endowment fund to support scholarly involvement and expand NET's capacity to conduct future digital projects.
On behalf of Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET), NET Foundation for Television, Inc. requests a $500,000 Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funds will be matched 3:1 to create a permanent restricted digital humanities endowment fund of $2 million within the NET Inspire Nebraska endowment campaign. The digital humanities endowment fund will help to support scholarly involvement in projects, and would greatly expand NET's capacity to carry out current and future digital projects. Endowment funds will be used on a project-by-project basis, to preserve and repurpose existing material from NET Heritage Library of historically significant local productions, to combine these resources with new material and scholarly input, and to make the results available to audiences both on-air and online. NEH will be recognized as an endowment contributor and on endowment-funded projects.