The ASCSA Libraries: A World-Class Center for Humanities Research
FAIN: CH-50715-10
Trustees of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Princeton, NJ 08540-5232)
Irene Bald Romano (Project Director: May 2009 to February 2012)
Mary Emerson (Project Director: February 2012 to November 2014)
Funding supports capital improvements in the ASCSA's two libraries: a new HVAC system for the Blegen Library and a renovated west wing and new extension of the Gennadius Library.
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is the preeminent American overseas research institution devoted to the advanced study of all aspects of Greek culture from antiquity to the present day. The School's two libraries, The Blegen Library and The Gennadius Library, provide unparalleled resources for all aspects of Greek studies, with the Blegen covering virtually the entire field of prehistoric and classical antiquity with holdings of more than 94,000 volumes, and the Gennadius with over 116,000 volumes covering the history, language, literature and art of Greece, especially from the Byzantine period to contemporary times. With strategic planning completed, the ASCSA is embarking upon a Capital Campaign to improve its infrastructure and increase its endowment. With NEH Challenge Grant funding, the ASCSA will renovate parts of its two major research libraries and stabilize their annual operating funds by increasing the dedicated endowments of its libraries.