Challenge Grant for Humanities
FAIN: CH-50787-10
Jerome A. Enzler (Project Director: May 2009 to November 2015)
To create an endowment to support humanities staffing, exhibitions, and interpretation.
The Dubuque County Historical Society requests $750,000 and commits to raise $2,250,000 to create a humanities endowment of $3,000,000 to support humanities staffing, exhibition and interpretation. This will endow the position of Director of Interpretation, who will be a highly talented and motivated humanist dedicated to quality exhibitions, collections and programs. He/she will be integrally involved in the intellectual life of the Society's museums: the River Museum, the Ham House, and the Old Jail Museum. The Director of Interpretation will be the lead humanist for the development of a series of exhibitions and interpretive programming supported by this endowment and presented at the three museums. The River Museum will continue to advance humanities programming and exhibitions in its current facilities. The humanities endowment will also support the interpretive programming at the Society's Mathias Ham House and Old Jail Museum.