Support of the construction of a year-round exhibition and education facility at Shelburne Museum
FAIN: CH-50803-12
Shelburne Museum (Shelburne, VT 05482-0010)
Stephan Jost (Project Director: May 2010 to April 2011)
Robert Austin Skiff (Project Director: April 2011 to December 2011)
Thomas Andrew Denenberg (Project Director: December 2011 to March 2016)
Construction of a year-round exhibition and education facility at Shelburne Museum.
Shelburne Museum requests a $500,000 challenge grant from NEH to support construction of a new 12,000 square foot facility comprised of nine galleries and the Museum's first modern classroom and dedicated venue for lectures. This new facility will enable the Museum, which is now open just six months a year due to the limitations of its infrastructure, to become a year-round center for education and to better serve its public with humanities offerings founded on the Museum's collections of over 150,000 works of folk, fine, and decorative arts. It will also enable a year-round schedule of special exhibitions that broaden the Museum's audience, and the expansion education programs for K-12, senior, and general audiences. This project is transformative for the Museum and builds its institutional capacity by implementing central objectives of a long-term strategic plan that call for year-round access to the collections. This request represents %6 of the estimated cost of construction.