
Challenge Programs: Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

12/1/2010 - 7/31/2016

Funding Totals (matching)

$425,000.00 (approved)
$425,000.00 (offered)
$425,000.00 (awarded)

Transforming the Humanities at Maymont

FAIN: CH-50956-12

Maymont Foundation (Richmond, VA 23220-6819)
Dale Wheary (Project Director: May 2011 to December 2016)

Endowment for staff salaries, scholar-in-residence stipends, and advisory panel costs as well as direct costs for outdoor signage.

Maymont will transform the way in which its large, diverse audience experiences the estate’s abundant humanities resources and themes through 1.) Expanding access to enhanced humanities learning, to be developed by the Program & Interpretation Manager and other education staff, including outdoor interpretive signage and media, deepening community engagement, and new options for comprehensive humanities learning throughout the estate and beyond; 2) Strengthening humanities research to provide a more accessible, integrated foundation of documentation and research for comprehensive interpretation, exhibition, and preservation through the work of a Curator of History, a scholar-in-residence program, and other activities; 3) Advancing preservation, restoration, and conservation of the Maymont Mansion and its collection, supported by the work of the Conservation Technician.