Endowing Liberal Arts Postdoctoral Fellows in the Humanities at Lawrence University
FAIN: CH-50974-12
Lawrence University of Wisconsin (Appleton, WI 54911-5798)
David Burrows (Project Director: May 2011 to December 2016)
Endowment for two dedicated postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities.
Lawrence University will use an NEH Challenge Grant to extend and sustain Lawrence Fellows, a program with proven transformational impact in the humanities at Lawrence. The program brings recent PhD recipients to Lawrence for two-year fellowships, during which they broaden the Lawrence humanities curriculum by teaching new and revised courses, often on topics more typically seen in the curricula of large universities. A structured mentoring program prepares Fellows for careers as liberal arts teacher-scholars. The Humanities Institute--a new enhancement to the Fellows program conceived by Lawrence humanities faculty--will engage humanities Fellows in professional development for Lawrence faculty, through year-long, graduate-style seminars on emerging, rapidly evolving, or other timely areas of humanistic study. An NEH Challenge Grant will permanently endow two Lawrence Fellows devoted exclusively to the humanities, and deepen their lasting impact through the NEH Humanities Institute.
Media Coverage
Lawrence University awarded challenge grant for humanities (Media Coverage)
Publication: The Post-Crescent
Date: 1/22/2012
Abstract: By fostering greater curricular diversity, team teaching, interdisciplinary research collaborations and incorporation of new ideas and techniques into research programs, the NEH Humanities Institute will help keep participants at the forefront of their fields as scholars and teachers
Lawrence Awarded NEH Challenge Grant to Establish Humanities Institute (Review)
Publication: Lawrence Today
Date: 4/1/2012
Abstract: A new Lawrence University initiative--designed to foster the professional development of faculty members in the humanities and attract recent PhD recipients in the humanities for the Lawrence Fellows program -- has received a $425,000 boost from the National Endowment for the Humanities.