Growing the NCSML endowment for support of the education department
FAIN: CH-51001-12
National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library (Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-5918)
Jan Stoffer (Project Director: May 2011 to June 2017)
Leah Wilson (Project Director: June 2017 to September 2017)
Endowment for the museum's education department, including a staff position, lecture series, research fellowships conferences, internships, and Web-based humanities currriculum.
The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library seeks a $490,000 NEH Challenge Grant to establish an endowment for humanities-based educational programs. The expendable income from the education specific endowment will be used for multiple purposes: 1) to endow the NCSML's staff education position, 2) to engage humanities scholars in a variety of educational programs, 3) to fund related program expenses, 4) to provide for the development and delivery via the web of humanities-based curricula, 5) to support ongoing evaluation of all programs, and 6) to provide graduate student internships.