Mercer University Southern Studies Center - NEH Challenge Grant
FAIN: CH-51268-15
Corporation Of Mercer University (Macon, GA 31207-1515)
Sarah E. Gardner (Project Director: May 2014 to present)
Endowment for new humanities programs in a Center for Southern Studies.
Mercer University is applying for an NEH challenge grant to develop a center devoted to promoting research, scholarship, programming, and teaching about the American South.
Associated Products
Spencer B. King, Jr. Center for Southern Studies Endowment (Center)Name: Spencer B. King, Jr. Center for Southern Studies Endowment
Abstract: This grant supported the creation of an endowment for Mercer University's Center for Southern Studies which would incorporate various pre-existing programs, including the Lamar Lecture series and The Journal of Southern Religion, into a humanities center with dedicated funding.
Director: Dr. Sarah Gardner
Year: 2014
Primary URL: URL Description: Website for the Spencer B. King, Jr. Center for Southern Studies highlighting their current programs and staff.
Lamar Lecture Series (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Lamar Lecture Series
Abstract: The Spencer B. King, Jr. Center for Southern Studies hosts two lecture series, the Lamar Lecture series and the Byington Lecture series. The Lamar Lecture series focuses on history, literature, and preservation of Southern culture and was funded through this grant.
The speaker for the lecture series changes each year; Dr. Sarah Gardner is the Director of the center. It appears that the NEH funds began supporting this lecture series in 2016.
Author: Dr. Sarah Gardner
Date: 01/01/2016
Location: Mercer University
Primary URL: URL Description: The page on their website describing their Lamar Lecture series including past lecturers.