
Challenge Programs: Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

5/1/2019 - 4/30/2021

Funding Totals (matching)

$62,785.00 (approved)
$62,785.00 (offered)
$62,785.00 (awarded)

Humanities Collaboration Center

FAIN: CHA-264402-19

Trustees of Roanoke College (Salem, VA 24153-3794)
Elizabeth G. McClenney (Project Director: August 2018 to present)

The renovation of an existing space within the college’s Fintel Library to create a flexible, multimedia classroom and lecture venue for the humanities, with technology upgrades that will align with 21st-century teaching and learning methods.

Roanoke College’s Fintel Library proposes to renovate its ground floor classroom and technology infrastructure to better support the pedagogies and learning styles of humanities faculty and students. The classroom will evolve into a space that enriches collaboration and civil discourse and accommodates a variety of teaching pedagogies and learning and study styles critical for advancing a liberal education and humanistic principles. Renovation will facilitate flexible arrangement to support individual learning, small group activities, and lecture-style seminars, classes, or film screenings. Technology upgrades--state-of-the art multi-media displays, lighting, and controls--will improve multi-media presentations, use of personal devices, and projection and enhance creation, analysis and presentation of digital humanities projects. Funding will help transform the classroom into a center of engagement supportive of the 21st century liberal education that Roanoke College offers.

Media Coverage

Challenge grant, donations set stage for campus upgrades at Roanoke College (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Alicia Petska
Publication: The Roanoke Times
Date: 7/28/2019
Abstract: This article states Roanoke College received another challenge grant from a local foundation which helped them meet the goal for their capital campaign which includes the library renovations supported by this NEH Challenge grant.

Roanoke College receives grant for two new projects (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Melissa Schroeder
Publication: ABC 13 News
Date: 4/9/2019
Abstract: This article talks about Roanoke College's recently offered Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge grant as well as a Humanities Connections Planning grant from the Division of Education Programs.