
Challenge Programs: Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants

Period of Performance

5/1/2019 - 4/30/2022

Funding Totals (matching)

$150,000.00 (approved)
$150,000.00 (offered)
$150,000.00 (awarded)

Native American Galleries Reinstallation: The Great Lakes Initiative and The Nations Within

FAIN: CHA-264455-19

Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN 46204-2707)
Scott Shoemaker (Project Director: August 2018 to July 2021)
Elisa G. Phelps (Project Director: July 2021 to present)

The purchase and installation of modular glass object casework to display approximately 1,000 artifacts and works of art in newly re-conceived and installed Native American galleries.

The Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art requests a $300,000 direct challenge grant to be matched by $900,000 to support the complete reinstallation of the Native American galleries and the Great Lakes Initiative. This three year challenge grant will support essential components of the Eiteljorg’s new approach to voice, exhibitions and engagement, which lays the groundwork for long-term relationship and audience development. The 11,000 square foot gallery space will be dynamic, flexible, changing, interactive and lively spaces featuring state-of-the-art design combining customary and contemporary art, graphics, video, state-of-the-art casework, interactives, interpretive media and innovative technologies. Great Lakes tribal member partners are essential to this new direction.

Associated Products

Expressions of Life: Native Art in North America (Web Resource)
Title: Expressions of Life: Native Art in North America
Author: The Eiteljorg Museum
Abstract: The Eiteljorg has taken the initiative to change the way museums typically tell Native Americans’ stories by creating a space for the peoples themselves to tell their own stories. The capstone phase of Project 2021 is the complete reconstruction of the second-floor Native American Galleries, showcasing Native art in a modern space. The galleries provide a contextual experience organized around the themes of relation, continuation, and innovation, demonstrating the continuum of Native art.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Gallery page from Eiteljorg website

Expressions of Life: Native Art in North America (Exhibition)
Title: Expressions of Life: Native Art in North America
Curator: Dorene Red Cloud (Oglala Lakota)
Curator: Elisa Phelps
Abstract: The Eiteljorg has taken the initiative to change the way museums typically tell Native Americans’ stories by creating a space for the peoples themselves to tell their own stories. The capstone phase of Project 2021 is the complete reconstruction of the second floor Native American Galleries, showcasing Native art in a modern space. The galleries will provide a contextual experience organized around the themes of relation, continuation, and innovation, demonstrating the continuum of Native art.
Year: 2022