Structural Improvement of the Historical Studies and Social Science Library at the Institute for Advanced Study
FAIN: CHA-268873-20
Institute For Advanced Study - Louis Bamberger And Mrs. Felix Fuld Fdn (Princeton, NJ 08540-4952)
Marcia Tucker (Project Director: May 2019 to July 2023)
Structural improvements and repairs to the Historical Studies and Social Science Library of the Institute for Advanced Study, serving scholars and students in
the humanities and other fields of research.
The Institute for Advanced Study seeks support for structural improvements to the 55-year-old Historical Studies and Social Science Library structure that is in essence the heart of humanities studies at the IAS. In addition to housing important humanities holdings, the library provides an ideal environment for humanities scholarship. This project will enable the IAS to implement permanent solutions to four major problems—roof, paver, and window leaks, as well as excessive ultraviolet light—that increasingly threaten the integrity of the structure and pose imminent risk to collections stewardship, humanities scholarship, and overall institutional health. It is in large part through the library that the IAS fulfills its mission to support promising scholars in pursuing their work in the humanities. Securing the future of this library is critical to building and sustaining the Institute’s capacity to continue to fulfill this mission going forward into its second century.