
Challenge Programs: Special Initiatives

Period of Performance

12/1/2001 - 3/31/2007

Funding Totals (matching)

$50,000.00 (approved)
$50,000.00 (offered)
$50,000.00 (awarded)

Jefferson County (PA) History Center Exhibits and New Endowment

FAIN: CZ-50010-04

Jefferson County Historical Society, Inc. (Brookville, PA 15825-1234)
Carole A. Briggs (Project Director: February 2003 to July 2007)

Endowment for humanities consultants for exhibits and programming.

We want to capitalize on our county's bicentennial on March 26, 2004, and open the new Jefferson County History Center, a place where people can research the past, discuss the present, and plan for the future of our rural Pennsylvania county. We request a grant of $100,000: $50,000 that will be matched by a $100,000 Lumber Heritage Regional grant to partially fund our two main exhibits, - Living on the Land and Some Things in Common; and $50,000 to establish an Endowment for future humanities programming. During the period of this grant, we expect to raise $22,500 in county contributions and $27,500 in non-federal grant sources to match the Endowment portion. We will use the exhibit portion in year one, and the 5% annual expendable Endowment income in year two to contract with an historian to work with us to develop a long range plan for research and exhibitis, and in year three to work with university and school personnel to develop a student-oriented web site that correlates with PA Civics Education Standards and local curriculums.