Institute for Constitutional Studies
FAIN: CZ-50139-06
New York Historical (New York, NY 10024-5152)
Maeva Marcus (Project Director: February 2005 to November 2012)
Funding details:
Original grant (2006) $17,852.00
Supplement (2006) $208,811.00
Supplement (2007) $0.00
Supplement (2009) $523,500.00
Supplement (2012) $0.00
Endowment for a director's salary, a scholar-in-residence program, and seminars for graduate students, teachers, and higher education faculty members in an Institute for Constitutional Studies; and direct funding for development costs and start-up activities.
The George Washington University requests an NEH Challenge Grant of $1,000,000 to establish an endowment for the Institute for Constitutional Studies. The Institute works to ensure that future generations of Americans are informed about the substance and history of our Constitution by preparing a new generation of scholars and educators to teach this subject and by helping to incorporate constitutional studies into the general liberal arts curriculum of our nation's universities and colleges. Challenge Grant funds will: (1) endow the director's position to guarantee the permanence and quality of the Institute's leadership and programs, (2) initiate a series of semester seminars for graduate students and young faculty, (3) begin regional seminars across the nation for teachers with limited training in this area, (4) continue a summer seminar program for faculty members and graduate students, and (5) launch a Scholar-in-Residence program.