
Challenge Programs: Special Initiatives

Period of Performance

9/1/2011 - 7/31/2019

Funding Totals (matching)

$300,000.00 (approved)
$124,229.00 (offered)
$0.00 (awarded)

Endowing The Hartford Heritage Program

FAIN: CZ-50322-13

Capital Community College (Hartford, CT 06103-1211)
Jeffrey F. L. Partridge (Project Director: February 2012 to September 2022)

Endowment for program coordinator and web designer positions, course and faculty development, symposia, materials, and direct support for bridging expenses.

Capital Community College (Capital) proposes a focused program to strengthen its liberal arts curriculum with new humanities content anchored in the cultures and communities of Hartford. The project will establish an identity for the College as a center for Hartford-based humanistic exploration and instruction in Connecticut's historic and culturally diverse Capital City. A Hartford Heritage endowment fund will provide self-sustaining support for new Learning Communities that bring humanistic modes of inquiry to courses in the social sciences and other disciplines, create a Digital Humanities component that would underpin all Learning Communities and establish an annual Hartford Bridging Cultures Symposium. The College and its nonprofit foundation proposes a $300,000 NEH challenge grant as a catalyst to raise $600,000 in non-federal income through a challenge campaign.

Media Coverage

Out of the Classroom and Into the City (Media Coverage)
Publication: Congress Chronicles
Date: 3/3/2013
Abstract: Description of Hartford Heritage Project and the transformation of curriculum at Capital Community College.

Twain, Stowe Subject of New College Course (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Carole Goldberg
Publication: Hartford Courant
Date: 8/2/2015
Abstract: For the first time, Capital Community College, the Mark Twain House & Museum and the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center will jointly offer a course titled "English 220 Studies in American Literature: Twain and Stowe." The course is the newest offering under Capital's Hartford Heritage Project.

Capital Community College Partners with Twain and Stowe Museums to Run Literature Course (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Community Contributor
Publication: Hartford Courant
Date: 6/19/2015
Abstract: Capital Community College (CCC) is partnering with the Mark Twain House & Museum and the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center this fall to offer English 220 Studies in American Literature: Twain and Stowe.Students will read and discuss works by two of American literature's most influential authors, and will have access to materials unique to these neighboring National Historic Landmarks. Capital's Humanities Chair, Dr. Jeffrey Partridge, who also directs the Hartford Heritage Project, a National Endowment for the Humanities supported initiative to infuse CCC course curricula with local resources, calls this "an extraordinary opportunity" to teach Stowe and Twain on site at these museums, and being able to utilize the resources of these great institutions.

From the Desk of Stuart Parnes (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Stuart Parnes
Publication: Connecticut Explored
Date: 6/1/2015
Abstract: Stuart Parnes, Executive Director of CT Humanities, makes the following mention of the Hartford Heritage Project in his editorial on "place-making" in CT: "In one example close to home, the Hartford Heritage Project, a program at Capital Community College supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, makes the city of Hartford an extension of the classroom. Students study and experience Hartford's history, literature, communities, and culture by getting out into the streets of their city. The lesson to be learned is that there's a unique power that comes from sharing our stories right where they happened."

Cutting Humanities Ignores Fabric of Life (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jeffrey F.L Partridge
Publication: Hartford Courant
Date: 6/26/2016
Abstract: Op-Ed on importance of the humanities that uses statistics and student quotes on the success of the NEH-funded Hartford Heritage Project for support.
URL: http://

What is Place-Based Education and Why Does it Matter? (Media Coverage)
Date: 2/23/2017
Abstract: Compendium document created by staff from articles and research featured in their place-based education series.Capital Community College and the NEH-sponsored Hartford Heritage Project are used as examples of successful museum, arts, and higher ed place-based programs.

Series About Hartford Seeks to Move Beyond the History Books (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kenneth R Gosselin
Publication: Hartford Courant
Date: 2/10/2019
Abstract: Cover story about the Hartford Heritage Project's lecture series on Hartford History, supported by a grant from CT Humanities.

Associated Products

Capital's Heritage Program Eligible for $300,000 NEH Challenge Grant (Web Resource)
Title: Capital's Heritage Program Eligible for $300,000 NEH Challenge Grant
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Article announcing offer of NEH Challenge Grant to endow Hartford Heritage Program from Capital Community College Advancement Office.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:

Hartford Heritage Website (Web Resource)
Title: Hartford Heritage Website
Author: Seth Freeman, Web Design
Author: Jeffrey Partridge, Director
Author: John Christie, Web Content Team
Author: Kevin Lamkins, Web Content Team
Abstract: The Hartford Heritage Website introduces the project and provides information about learning communities and courses, resources for faculty and students, showcases student and faculty work, and more. The website was launched in spring 2013 and will be updated regularly.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:

College Gets $300,000 NEH Challenge for Heritage Program (Article)
Title: College Gets $300,000 NEH Challenge for Heritage Program
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: College Foundation newsletter article announcing Challenge Grant and describing Hartford Heritage Program (p. 6).
Year: 2013
Primary URL:
Access Model: open access
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: The Correspondent: Capital Community College Foundation Newsletter
Publisher: Capital Community College, Advancement Office

The Mountaintop @ Theaterworks April 23rd To Benefit Hartford Heritage Program (Article)
Title: The Mountaintop @ Theaterworks April 23rd To Benefit Hartford Heritage Program
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Article on College Advancement website announcing fundraiser at Theaterworks for NEH Challenge.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:
Access Model: open access
Format: Other
Periodical Title: Advancement@Capital
Publisher: Capital Community College, Advancement Office

"From Hula Hoops to High Fashion: G. Fox Co. in the 1950s" (Blog Post)
Title: "From Hula Hoops to High Fashion: G. Fox Co. in the 1950s"
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Community outreach to bring awareness to the Hartford Heritage Project.
Date: 2/9/15
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

iQuilt Partnership Brings G. Fox Holiday Redux To College’s Mallett Gallery (Blog Post)
Title: iQuilt Partnership Brings G. Fox Holiday Redux To College’s Mallett Gallery
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Outreach event in partnership with Connecticut Historical Society to raise awareness of Hartford Heritage Project.
Date: 12/10/14
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

One Play - A Hartford Stage and Capital Community College Partnership That is Transforming Lives (Blog Post)
Title: One Play - A Hartford Stage and Capital Community College Partnership That is Transforming Lives
Author: Theresa MacNaughton
Abstract: A unique and exciting partnership between Hartford Stage and Capital Community College is helping to enrich the lives of local students. One Play has become an integral part of The Hartford Heritage Project, which incorporates Hartford’s many diverse cultural and artistic institutions, landmarks, and neighborhoods into the learning experience at Capital Community College.
Date: 9/11/14

Capital Night @ TheaterWorks 3/27/14: Tony Award Nominated “The Other Place” Performance To Benefit Hartford Heritage Program (Blog Post)
Title: Capital Night @ TheaterWorks 3/27/14: Tony Award Nominated “The Other Place” Performance To Benefit Hartford Heritage Program
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Fundraiser at TheaterWorks for Hartford Heritage Project
Date: 3/3/14
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

Ideas Matter: CT Humanities Hartford Heritage Project And Place-Based Education (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)
Title: Ideas Matter: CT Humanities Hartford Heritage Project And Place-Based Education
Writer: Joe Donahue
Abstract: WAMC Northeast Public Radio - We are very happy to continue our weekly feature on the Rountable, entitled – Ideas Matter: Checking in with the Public Humanities. It is our chance to check in with the Humanities Councils throughout our 7-State area to discuss important ideas and why they do indeed matter. This morning we spotlight Hartford Heritage Project and place-based education with the Connecticut Humanities Council.
Date: 1/24/14
Format: Web

Capital Community College Students Explore Hartford’s Immigrant History…In Their Own Words - See more at: (Web Resource)
Title: Capital Community College Students Explore Hartford’s Immigrant History…In Their Own Words - See more at:
Author: CT Humanities
Abstract: In spring 2013 students from Capital Community College’s Liberal Arts Capstone Course conducted research at Hartford Public Library’s Hartford History Center. Led by Dr. Jeffrey Partridge, students explored important figures from Hartford’s history and their immigrant, migrant, or ethnic communities that culminated in presentations of their semester-long research projects. - See more at:
Year: 2013
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: CT Humanities website:

Why are Nursing Students Going to the Art Museum? (Web Resource)
Title: Why are Nursing Students Going to the Art Museum?
Author: Kenneth DiMaggio
Abstract: Description of a Hartford Heritage Project initiative to incorporate visits to the art museum in nursing courses.
Year: 2014
Primary URL:

Place-Based Pedagogy for Higher Education—An Annotated Bibliography (Article)
Title: Place-Based Pedagogy for Higher Education—An Annotated Bibliography
Author: Jeffrey Partridge
Abstract: The Hartford Heritage Project is a place-based education (PBE) initiative. PBE takes the place where a school is located and incorporates it into the curriculum. Thus, museums, historical societies, parks, community centers, care facilities, local businesses, government agencies, and other valuable community resources become an extension of the classroom. This gives students a practical and local context for knowledge learned in their courses, and it makes the school a vital part of the life of the community. The following bibliography is intended as a resource for faculty and researchers.
Year: 2015
Primary URL:
Format: Other

Academic and Museum Collaborations: Teaching a Literature Course through Museums and Material Culture (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Academic and Museum Collaborations: Teaching a Literature Course through Museums and Material Culture
Author: James Golden
Author: Jeff Partridge
Author: Emily Waniewski
Abstract: Collaborations between college courses and museums provide powerful learning experiences that take students out of the classroom and into the material culture of the past. This session presents on an immersive place-based teaching collaboration in which a community college literature class was taught entirely on site at two local museums. The aim of this presentation is to convey the power of college-museum collaborations to transform the learning experience by taking students out of the classroom and into the material culture of the past. Capital Community College implemented a Place-Based Education initiative in 2011 with the help of the National Endowment for the Humanities that seeks to make Hartford an extension of the college campus by integrating museums, theatre, community centers, and other local resources into the curriculum of a variety of courses. The initiative, called the Hartford Heritage Project, has enabled strong collaborations between the college and local museums, which eventually spawned a unique, fully place-based literature course taught in the fall of 2015. English 220 Studies in American Literature—Stowe and Twain was taught entirely on site at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and the Mark Twain House & Museum. Students experienced in-depth and behind-the-scenes explorations of the houses of Stowe and Twain, current exhibits, and the libraries and archives of both museums. Planning and implementing the course required a close collaboration between staff members of both museums and the course instructor and presented challenges in scheduling, course content, approaches to literature and history, and assignment design. The presenters for this session will be the three principal members of the collaboration – the Program Coordinator of the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, the Education Director of the Mark Twain House & Museum, and the English Professor from Capital Community College.
Date: 3/18/2016
Conference Name: Northeast Modern Language Association

Reflections on the Power of Literature from English 220 (Article)
Title: Reflections on the Power of Literature from English 220
Author: Jeff Partridge
Author: Woody Exley
Author: Trishan Lakha
Abstract: A professor aged 51, a student aged 21, and a student aged 80 reflect on the power of literature to connect us, based on a Capital Community College course taught through the NEH-supported Hartford Heritage Project at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and the Mark Twain House & Museum.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: CT Humanities Newsletter and Website
Access Model: Open access
Format: Other
Periodical Title: CT Humanities
Publisher: CT Humanities

Humanities Chair Jeff Partridge Appointed To State Historic Preservation Council (Blog Post)
Title: Humanities Chair Jeff Partridge Appointed To State Historic Preservation Council
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Jeffrey F.L. Partridge, Ph.D, Capital Community College’s Chair of Humanities, has been appointed a member of the Connecticut Historic Preservation Council by Governor Dannel P. Malloy. Partridge, an English professor and Director of the College’s Hartford Heritage Project, was appointed to the Council for a term ending in 2020.
Date: 7/6/2016
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

Hartford Heritage: American Lit Course Returns To Twain, Stowe Houses In Fall 2016 (Blog Post)
Title: Hartford Heritage: American Lit Course Returns To Twain, Stowe Houses In Fall 2016
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Capital Community College’s American Literature course (English 220) will return to the historic Mark Twain House & Museum and Harriet Beecher Stowe Center in Hartford’s West End in the fall of 2016. Launched last year through the college’s Hartford Heritage Project and Humanities Chair Jeffrey F.L. Partridge the course focuses on the lives and selected works of Twain and Stowe — two of American Literature’s most influential authors. Students will read selected works, learn from staff experts and have access to archives and materials at the landmark museums.
Date: 6/15/2016
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

Lunchtime Lecture: Remembering G. Fox Program At College’s Centinel Hill Hall June 7th (Blog Post)
Title: Lunchtime Lecture: Remembering G. Fox Program At College’s Centinel Hill Hall June 7th
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: The College, through its Heritage program, is continuing the tradition begun by G. Fox of using Centinel Hill Hall as a community gathering place for arts, culture and civic engagement. “Remembering G. Fox & Company” is part of the College’s Hartford Heritage Program, made possible with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), that makes connections between course content and the cultural institutions of the city to enhance students’ learning and understanding of Hartford.
Date: 5/4/2016
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

American Lit Course At Twain House Concludes With Student Presentations Wednesday, December 16th (Blog Post)
Title: American Lit Course At Twain House Concludes With Student Presentations Wednesday, December 16th
Author: John McNamara
Abstract: Students from Humanities Chair Jeff Partridge’s English 220 class will present their posters on the theme of “Stowe, Twain and Me” in Hal Holbrook Hall at the Mark Twain House & Museum on Wednesday, December 16th, 3 -4:30 p.m. During the fall semester the English 220 classes were held for the first time at the Twain House museum and the adjacent Harriet Beecher Stowe Center. The off-campus course sprang from the College’s Hartford Heritage Project. The project, launched in 2010 with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), has spawned learning communities, access to museums and institutions and new courses based on Hartford content.
Date: 12/14/2016
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Advancement @ Capital

Out of the Classroom, Off the Campus and Into the Community (Article)
Title: Out of the Classroom, Off the Campus and Into the Community
Author: Jeff Partridge
Abstract: Story of how place-based education has transformed teaching approaches and connections with the arts and cultural communities at Capital Community College through the Hartford Heritage Project, an NEH-supported initiative that enhances courses with place-based humanities content.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: - place-based education series
Access Model: open
Format: Other
Periodical Title:

HigherEd Approaches to Empowering Students (Article)
Title: HigherEd Approaches to Empowering Students
Author: Jeff Partridge
Abstract: The article discusses the value of place-based education in higher education and argues for the need for colleges to support such innovative instruction. Capital Community College, Guttman Community College, and Temple University are featured as examples.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: - series on place-based education
Access Model: open
Format: Other

Resources and Quotes on the Power of Place (Article)
Title: Resources and Quotes on the Power of Place
Author: Jeff Partridge
Abstract: This post introduces educators to the annotated bibliography at the Hartford Heritage website, "Place-Based Pedagogy for Higher Education."
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: - series on place-based education
Access Model: open
Format: Other

A Literature Class in a Museum: A Place-Based Experience (Article)
Title: A Literature Class in a Museum: A Place-Based Experience
Author: Jeff Partridge
Author: James Golden
Author: Catherine Burton
Author: Abi Rodriguez
Author: Shawntoll Buchanan-Boothe
Abstract: This article introduces a course taught through the Hartford Heritage Project on Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and other Nook Farm residents. The course is taught entirely on site at the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and the Mark Twain House & Museum. The article is co-written by the instructor and two students from Capital Community College and the two co-instructors from the two museums.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: - place-based education series
Access Model: open
Format: Other