
Education Programs: Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development

Period of Performance

6/1/2005 - 6/30/2007

Funding Totals

$157,497.00 (approved)
$157,497.00 (awarded)

Interpreting the American Image Through the Photographs of John Collier Jr. : A Virtual Experience

FAIN: EE-50182-05

Regents of the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001)
William Bramble (Project Director: October 2004 to October 2007)

The development of a CD-ROM and a website that would allow students of American history and culture to examine John Collier, Jr.'s photographs of American families, a collection sponsored by the Farm Security Administration during World War II.

"Interpreting the American Image through the Photographs of John Collier, Jr.: A Virtual Experience" is a collection of dynamic multimedia materials designed to enhance teaching and learning in the humanities. This project showcases interactive learning modules centered on Collier’s WWII-era photographs of American families. At once technically sophisticated and highly personal, these historically significant images remain highly relevant today. Coupled with appropriate learning activities, the Collier photographs have compelling educational merit, and we seek to create materials that prompt reflection and critical thinking, with ties to state and national education standards. We are seeking NEH funding to make this project a reality.