Bartholomew's World: Teaching Latin Through Medieval Texts
FAIN: EE-50338-06
Stanford University (Stanford, CA 94305-2004)
Rega Wood (Project Director: October 2005 to May 2009)
The development of online and print tools for teaching intermediate Latin through medieval texts, introducing students to paleography and engaging them in the history of Western thought, particularly medieval natural philosophy.
The Medieval Thought Project (MTP) aims to strengthen student skills in Latin and English by tapping into their interest in medieval culture. MTP targets Latin students ready to move past basic grammar into reading comprehension, but not yet capable of handling the complicated constructions of classical works. MTP will develop Bartholomew's World: three teaching tools that offer its target audience an introduction to the fun of reading and understanding Latin medieval works in their original context. These tools include an interactive website encyclopedia, a student sourcebook, and a teacher’s guide. Bartholomew's World will also offer a systematic introduction to medieval natural philosophy at an introductory level.