
Education Programs: Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development

Period of Performance

4/1/2007 - 6/30/2010

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$184,567.00 (approved)
$172,717.00 (awarded)

Children and Youth in World History

FAIN: EE-50451-07

George Mason University (Fairfax, VA 22030-4444)
Kelly Schrum (Project Director: October 2006 to January 2011)

To create a web resource comprised of scholarly essays, teaching materials, and primary sources focused on childhood and youth in American and world history.

In standard textbooks on United States, European, and World history, knowledge about children has been limited to the lives of exceptional youngsters or ordinary children within the family context. Though omitted from history textbooks and most course lectures, children and youth have been the focus of significant historical analysis. Global Childhood: Children and Youth in History aims to promote a fuller exploration of the human experience by providing a free, reliable online resource that will enable high school teachers, community college and university instructors, and their students, to access scholarly essays and teaching materials and to utilize instructional strategies and primary sources focused on the history of children and youth. Global Childhood will include four key features: a Primary Source Database with 200 items; fifty Website Reviews; ten Teaching Modules; and twenty Teaching Case Studies.

Associated Products

Children and Youth in HIstory (Web Resource)
Title: Children and Youth in HIstory
Author: Kelly Schrum
Author: Miriam Forman-Brunell
Abstract: Children and Youth in History was designed to help teachers and students learn about the important roles of young people throughout history by providing access to information about the lived experiences of children and youth from multiple perspectives as well as changing notions about childhood and adolescence in past cultures and civilizations. The materials on this website address such questions as: What was it like to be a child or adolescent throughout history? How is childhood defined? How has it changed and how has it remained the same? What factors have shaped childhood and how did children shape history, society, and culture?
Year: 2010
Primary URL: