
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

8/1/1982 - 12/31/1983

Funding Totals

$150,000.00 (approved)
$142,725.14 (awarded)

A Humanities Institute on Children's Literature

FAIN: EH-20212-82

University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT 06269-9000)
Francelia M. Butler (Project Director: January 1982 to October 1990)

To support an eight-week Humanities Institute in 1983 for 30 college faculty members on the teaching of children's literature through historical sources.

Associated Products

Skipping Around the World: The Ritual Nature of Folk Rhymes (Book)
Title: Skipping Around the World: The Ritual Nature of Folk Rhymes
Author: Butler, Francelia M.
Year: 1989
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Hamden: Library Professional Publications
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780345364593