
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

9/1/1983 - 7/31/1984

Funding Totals

$67,650.00 (approved)
$67,650.00 (awarded)

The Humanities and Careers in Business-Regional Conferences

FAIN: EH-20369-83

Association of American Colleges and Universities (Washington, DC 20009-1604)
Joseph S. Johnston (Project Director: June 1983 to October 1990)

To support three regional conferences that would bring together leaders in the humanities and leaders in business in order to improve relations between their sectors.

Associated Products

Beyond Borders : profiles in international education (Book)
Title: Beyond Borders : profiles in international education
Author: Johnston, Joseph S
Publisher: Association of American Colleges and American Assembly of Collegiate School of Business
Type: Single author monograph