
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2018 - 12/31/2019

Funding Totals

$187,654.00 (approved)
$179,870.00 (awarded)

Colonial Experiences and Their Legacies in Southeast Asia

FAIN: EH-261665-18

Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, Inc. (Honolulu, HI 96848-1601)
Peter D. Hershock (Project Director: February 2018 to September 2021)
Barbara Watson Andaya (Co Project Director: August 2018 to September 2021)

A four-week institute for 25 college and university faculty on the complexities of colonialism in Southeast Asia.

"Colonial Experiences and Their Legacies in Southeast Asia" will explore the ways in which Southeast Asian societies respond to colonial presences and how the legacies of these experiences shaped later efforts to forge national identities, envision independent political futures, and imagine new state-citizen relationships. Moving chronologically from the late 19th century to the post-independence period, the institute program will foreground key themes through case studies of specific countries in the region. The program is designed to meet the teaching needs of educators in community colleges, liberal arts colleges and undergraduate serving universities. By offering deep and context-rich engagement with key traditions, practices, and primary texts, the program will help participants to develop curricular materials for humanities courses in history, religion, philosophy, art history and literature, and to engage such themes as globalization and cultural pluralism.