Philosophical Perspectives on Giving, Receiving, and Conceiving Care
FAIN: EH-272535-20
Reed College (Portland, OR 97202-8138)
Tamara Metz (Project Director: March 2020 to present)
Elizabeth Brake (Co Project Director: October 2020 to present)
A three-week institute for 22 college and university faculty and three advanced graduate students, on giving and receiving care, and their philosophical implications.
The Summer Institute will introduce recent work on care and caregiving in Anglophone moral and political philosophy and foster development of related pedagogical and research projects. Our investigation will be guided by three goals. The first is to explore the distinct questions which arise when caregiving is taken as central in moral and political philosophy. The second is to build on existing research to address new questions posed by recent economic and technological changes. The third is to nurture teaching and research attentive to different perspectives on care - those of caregivers and care recipients - and sensitive to the complexities of age, disability, race, class, and gender.