
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2020 - 12/31/2022

Funding Totals

$168,877.00 (approved)
$168,877.00 (awarded)

Philosophical Perspectives on Giving, Receiving, and Conceiving Care

FAIN: EH-272535-20

Reed College (Portland, OR 97202-8138)
Tamara Metz (Project Director: March 2020 to present)
Elizabeth Brake (Co Project Director: October 2020 to present)

A three-week institute for 22 college and university faculty and three advanced graduate students, on giving and receiving care, and their philosophical implications.

The Summer Institute will introduce recent work on care and caregiving in Anglophone moral and political philosophy and foster development of related pedagogical and research projects. Our investigation will be guided by three goals. The first is to explore the distinct questions which arise when caregiving is taken as central in moral and political philosophy. The second is to build on existing research to address new questions posed by recent economic and technological changes. The third is to nurture teaching and research attentive to different perspectives on care - those of caregivers and care recipients - and sensitive to the complexities of age, disability, race, class, and gender.

Associated Products

Care Beyond the Binary: A Transdisciplinary Colloquium (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Care Beyond the Binary: A Transdisciplinary Colloquium
Author: Chris Paige
Abstract: This workshop, held on Zoom on 10/20/2022, brought together 3 participants from the Institute as speakers (Chris Paige, Lina Maria Murillo, Janet Jakobsen) with faculty members Merel Visse and Bob Stake. The pdf for this event is in the Supplementary Materials, titled "Colloquium."
Date Range: 10/20/2022
Location: Drew University/Zoom

The Challenge and Inequality of Care (Game/Simulation)
Title: The Challenge and Inequality of Care
Author: Traci Levy
Abstract: This is a role-playing game for the classroom. "The Challenge and Inequality of Care," Microgame Version is an educational, live action role-playing game about informal (unpaid) caregiving in the United States. It takes about 2.5 hours to set up, play, and debrief. (This time can be divided over multiple sessions.) The game challenges players to try to keep their jobs and their health while meeting their caregiving challenges.
Year: 2022
Access Model: available for classroom use through Prof. Levy
Source Available?: No

Care in the Nineteenth Century (And Beyond) (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Care in the Nineteenth Century (And Beyond)
Author: Jayda Coons
Abstract: What does literary studies offer to care theory? ● ways of reading nuanced, textured interactions and encounters ● imagining relationalities/ambivalences not always captured by “big picture” or ideal thinking ● promoting new relationalities, imagining new worlds ● subjectivity formation–we attach to stories as ways of living and being in the world, models for living, and to understand, critique, and imagine anew ● opportunities for presentism–how do these historical structures of everyday life reverberate in our contemporary moment? ● care and colonialism intertwined in this period–course also serves as a critique of whiteness and its weaponized ideas of “care”
Year: 2022
Primary URL Description: Syllabus is included in Supplementary Materials.
Audience: Undergraduate