
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2021 - 12/31/2023

Funding Totals

$133,653.00 (approved)
$104,453.05 (awarded)

Fifty Years Later: The Vietnam War Through the Eyes of Veterans, Vietnamese, and Southeast Asian Refugees

FAIN: EH-281261-21

Coast Community College District (Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5429)
Marilyn Virginia Brock (Project Director: March 2021 to present)

A two-week, hybrid institute for 36 higher education faculty to study varying perspectives on the Vietnam War.

Coastline College's project will enhance undergraduate teaching and learning about the intricacies and complexities of the Vietnam War. The Institute program is designed to meet educator needs in community colleges and universities who are introducing students to culturally relevant curriculum and providing veterans and Southeast Asian students more access to meaningful content. The program will focus on sources from experienced writers, veterans, researchers, historians, and artists on new and multifaceted perspectives on the Vietnam War, including deep and context-rich engagement with key themes, research, reflection, and primary texts. It will engage such themes as war, diaspora, narrative and narratology, cultural pluralism, and international relations. This program will build connections with higher education professionals locally, nationally, and internationally. This project supports the NEH “Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War” area of interest.