
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2004 - 12/31/2005

Funding Totals

$144,070.00 (approved)
$140,135.00 (awarded)

British and Indigenous Cultural Encounters in Native North America: 1580-1785

FAIN: EH-50022-04

John Carter Brown Library (Providence, RI 02906)
Scott Manning Stevens (Project Director: March 2004 to November 2006)

A five-week summer institute for twenty-five college teachers on the variety of cultures and experiences that constitute the New World encounter between Native Americans and the British.

The John Carter Brown Library will host this five-week institute for college and university professors in the summer of 2005 which will examine accounts of cultural encounters from documentary, literary and oral sources of the native peoples of North America and of British colonists between 1580 and 1785. Records of such encounters are central to our understanding of the histories of indigenous peoples and British colonials leading up to American independence. Leading scholars in the fields of history, literature, and Native American studies will help provide participants with the means to better integrate these materials from a variety of disciplines into their own teaching and research.