
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2007 - 12/31/2009

Funding Totals

$179,970.00 (approved)
$179,970.00 (awarded)

Andean Worlds: New Directions in Scholarship and Teaching

FAIN: EH-50122-07

Community College Humanities Association (Baltimore, MD 21237-3899)
Laraine Anne Fletcher (Project Director: March 2007 to June 2010)

A four-week summer institute in Peru for twenty-four college and university teachers to engage in on-site, interdisciplinary study of Andean cultures in the pre-Inkan, Inkan, colonial, and modern periods.

The Community College Humanities Association will sponsor a four-week Summer Institute for twenty-four faculty participants from community and four-year colleges, to be held on-site in Peru from June 29-July 29, 2008, on the topic, "Andean Worlds: New Directions in Scholarship and Teaching." The Institute is an in-depth survey of Andean cultural history with emphasis divided between pre-Inkan, Inkan, colonial and contemporary manifestations of Andean culture. Study will encompass materials from the disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, history, art history, and literary history and criticism. Based in Lima, Chiclayo, Huanchaco, Pisac, and Cusco in Peru, and with fields trips to archaeological and cultural sites in the countryside, the Institute will feature seven U.S. scholars from a variety of discipliens who will offer seminars and conduct archeological and ethnographic field studies, in conjunction with local guides, docents and archaeologists.