The Literature of Equatorial Guinea: A Pedagogical Perspective
FAIN: EH-50156-07
Howard University (Washington, DC 20059-0001)
James J. Davis (Project Director: March 2007 to June 2010)
A five-week institute for thirty college and university teachers conducted in Spanish on teaching the literature of Equatorial Guinea.
This project seeks to enhance our participants' knowledge and understanding of the literature of Equatorial Guinea, Spain's only colony in Sub-saharan Africa. Equatorial Guniea gained its independence in 1968, but the residue of its colonial past infitrates the political, social,and literary discourse of every segment of its society. The proposed institute will explore how colonialism, dictatorship, exile, identity, resistance, and the concept of Nation are manifested in selected examples of Equatorial Guinean prose, poetry, and drama published from 1953 to the present. More globally, the goal of the this insitutute is to enrich and expand participants' command and competence as future teachers and researchers of the literature of Equatorial Guinea. This will be achieved by providing them with the critical approaches to a significant number of exemplary texts and a better understanding of the historical and cultural context in which the literature took shape.