
Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2010 - 12/31/2011

Funding Totals

$200,004.00 (approved)
$180,412.58 (awarded)

African-American Struggles for Freedom and Human Rights 1865-1965

FAIN: EH-50235-10

President and Fellows of Harvard College (Cambridge, MA 02138-3800)
Henry Louis Gates (Project Director: March 2010 to April 2016)
Waldo Martin (Co Project Director: March 2010 to April 2016)

A four-week institute for twenty-five college and university faculty on the African-American struggles for equality and rights from Reconstruction to the 1960s.

"African American Struggles for Freedom and Civil Rights, 1865-1965" aims to introduce college teachers to new and recent scholarship on black civil rights struggles from Emancipation through the 1960s, and to develop curriculum and teaching strategies for incorporating this history into American history courses and related areas of instruction. The proposed institute builds upon a series of NEH institutes that have been sponsored by Harvard University's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute since 1997. As in the past, the institute will include leading scholars and writers in the fields of African American history. The proposed 2010 NEH Institute is part of an ongoing effort to identify and review monographs and primary source materials that deepen our understanding of the post-Emancipation struggles of African Americans for freedom and civil rights and to situate that movement within the broader context of American history.