
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

1/1/1989 - 5/31/1990

Funding Totals

$18,574.00 (approved)
$16,543.55 (awarded)

The Odyssey, Antigone, and the Poetics in the Secondary School Classroom

FAIN: ES-21636-89

University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN 55105-1096)
Brenda J. Powell (Project Director: May 1988 to September 1990)

To support a masterwork study project on three classic Greek texts for 12 high school teachers from the St. Paul-Minneapolis area.

Associated Products

Delving Deep: The "Odyssey," the "Antigone," and the "Poetics" in the Secondary School Classroom (Book)
Title: Delving Deep: The "Odyssey," the "Antigone," and the "Poetics" in the Secondary School Classroom
Author: Powell, Brenda J.
Publisher: College of St. Thomas
Type: Single author monograph