
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2020 - 12/31/2022

Funding Totals

$168,494.00 (approved)
$168,494.00 (awarded)

Friendship and Identity in Literature, Film, and Adolescence

FAIN: ES-272495-20

Boston University (Boston, MA 02215-1300)
Stephan E. Ellenwood (Project Director: March 2020 to present)
Karen Harris (Co Project Director: August 2020 to present)

A two-week institute for 25 high school English teachers on the ways that friendship is understood and portrayed in literature and film. 

This innovative institute invites English teachers (grades 9-12) to examine how the universal human connection of friendship is understood, portrayed, and experienced from literary, social, cultural, theoretical, and pedagogical perspectives. As a formative and abiding feature of adolescence, friendship is of special curricular interest in the high school English classroom. Through literature, film, and secondary sources, teachers will explore evolving conceptions of friendship, and examine cultural/social contexts and factors including gender, race, class, loyalty, reciprocity, social media, and power dynamics. Teachers will collaborate with colleagues, learn from interdisciplinary guest scholars, and develop curricular materials to help their students become more grounded and nuanced readers of friendship in literature and in their own lives. (Designed for English teachers but will welcome up to four teacher-participants in other humanities subjects.)

Associated Products

Teachers Become Students (Article)
Title: Teachers Become Students
Author: Sophie Yarin
Abstract: Article featuring Pinsky at Institute and Profile on impact of Institute, interviews with Co-Directors and Participants, photos
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Teachers Become Students as BU Hosts NEH Institute to Address Adolescent Well Being
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: Boston University Today
Publisher: Boston University

NEH Funds Summer Institute for High School Teachers on the Power of Storytelling and Friendship (Article)
Title: NEH Funds Summer Institute for High School Teachers on the Power of Storytelling and Friendship
Author: Staff
Abstract: Announcing the grant, its components and staff, quoting the co-directors after an interview.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Format: Other
Periodical Title: BU Wheelock School of Education Publication
Publisher: Wheelock/BU

Website for Institute (Web Resource)
Title: Website for Institute
Author: Co-Directors
Abstract: All materials gathered in this comprehensive website for NEH Summer Institute on Friendship and Identity in Literature, Film, and Adolescence
Year: 2022
Primary URL:

Curriculum excerpt from teacher-designed Course (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Curriculum excerpt from teacher-designed Course
Author: Skaggs, Tavss, Ricks, Miao
Abstract: Sample powerpoint from a collaborative participant course design. This is a sample piece of a course designed by this curriculum team of participant teachers.
Year: 2022
Primary URL: http://
Secondary URL: http://
Secondary URL Description: Syllabus for Mystic Resonance: Teacher-Designed Curriculum (Course)
Audience: K - 12

Slide Presentation for Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Slide Presentation for Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks
Author: K.Harris, Co-Director
Abstract: This is an informal slide presentation overview of some of the conceptual and theoretical frameworks we worked with during the Institute. Usable for both Students and Teachers
Year: 2022
Primary URL: http://
Audience: K - 12