
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2004 - 6/30/2006

Funding Totals

$168,015.00 (approved)
$168,015.00 (awarded)

Contexts and Legacies of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

FAIN: ES-50042-04

Minot State University (Minot, ND 58707-0001)
Bethany Andreasen (Project Director: March 2004 to November 2006)

A four-week summer institute for twenty-eight school teachers on the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Associated Products

The Contexts and Legacies of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: The Contexts and Legacies of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials
Author: Department of History at Minot State University
Abstract: An edited collection of teaching materials, lesson plans and guides for grades 4-12, from the Lewis and Clark Institute held at Minot State University, July 2004. Formats include lesson plans, WebQuests, and DBQs. Themes include Exploration and Environment, Jefferson and Nation-Building, American West, and Native Cultures and Legacies.
Year: 2005
Audience: Other