Churchill and America
FAIN: ES-50105-05
Ashland University (Ashland, OH 44805-3702)
James W. Muller (Project Director: March 2005 to February 2008)
A two-week institute for thirty high school teachers on Winston S. Churchill, his political career, his relationship with America, and his continuing legacy.
The Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University and the Churchill Centre will collaborate to conduct an intensive two-week institute, providing 30 high school teachers with an understanding of the major political and historical events in which Churchill was involved and the ongoing influence of his words and deeds. Through a combination of lectures and seminar discussions based on primary sources, the participants will explore Churchill’s ongoing relationship with the U.S. and ways in which they can employ the primary sources in their own classrooms, not only to understand twentieth-century history and historical methods, but also to illuminate Anglo-American political principles and to convey their importance to students.