
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2006 - 12/31/2007

Funding Totals

$191,821.00 (approved)
$191,821.00 (awarded)

The American South: Geography and Culture

FAIN: ES-50175-06

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Knoxville, TN 37916-3801)
Kurt L. Butefish (Project Director: March 2006 to September 2008)

A four-week institute for twenty-five K-12 teachers on geographic approaches to "cultural diversity" in the American South.

A four-week summer institute for K-12 teachers that will provide fresh opportunities to study, to see first-hand, and to experience the increasingly complex and diverse American South. Participants will attend lectures, fieldtrips, and lab exercises, learn methodologies and classroom activities from master teachers, and participate in discussions. They will be required to write essays and will develop standards-based lesson plans that they will take back to their classrooms.