Religious Worlds of New York: Teaching the Everyday Life of American Religious Diversity
FAIN: ES-50384-11
Interfaith Center of New York (New York, NY 10115-0081)
Henry Goldschmidt (Project Director: March 2011 to November 2014)
A three-week institute for thirty school teachers on American religious diversity as manifested in community life in New York City.
This three week institute will offer school teachers an advanced introduction to the religious diversity of the United States, through a classroom engagement with religious studies scholarship, and an ethnographic engagement with the religious life of New York City. Participants will explore six significant religious traditions. They will discuss the constitutional and pedagogic issues surrounding the study of religion in public and private schools. They will examine religious life through both literature and film. And they will work together to create a multimedia map of the religious life of a New York neighborhood. The institute will thus give them the pedagogic tools they need to teach their students about “lived religion,” in addition to the conventional “world religions” curriculum - that is, to teach young people about the everyday lives of their fellow Americans from diverse religious traditions, rather than simply the doctrines, rituals, and texts of these traditions.
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From World Religions to Lived Religion: Towards a Pedagogy of Civic Engagement in Secondary School Religious Studies Curricula (Book Section)Title: From World Religions to Lived Religion: Towards a Pedagogy of Civic Engagement in Secondary School Religious Studies Curricula
Author: Henry Goldschmidt
Editor: Andrew Fiala
Editor: Vincent Biondo
Abstract: An argument for the importance of lived religion pedagogy in secondary school religious studies curricula, including discussions of the NEH-funded "Religious Worlds of New York" summer institute for teachers, as well as programs for students developed by the Interfaith Center of New York.
Year: 2014
Primary URL: URL Description: link to a downloadable pdf of the book chapter on the Religious Worlds of New York summer institute website
Secondary URL: URL Description: link to the book's page on Amazon
Publisher: Routledge
Book Title: Civility, Religious Pluralism, and Education
ISBN: 978-0415813990