
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2012 - 12/31/2014

Funding Totals

$199,993.00 (approved)
$190,608.01 (awarded)

Istanbul Between East and West: Crossroads of History

FAIN: ES-50442-12

Regents of the University of California, San Diego (La Jolla, CA 92093-0013)
Matthew T. Herbst (Project Director: March 2012 to April 2015)

A three-week institute in Istanbul, Turkey, for twenty-five school teachers on the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, and modern Turkey.

The Making of the Modern World, a general education world history program at the University of California San Diego, proposes a three-week Institute in Istanbul (June 23 -- July 14, 2013) to provide 25 middle- and high-school social studies teachers a better understanding of a city and region that has long functioned as a critical crossroad of regional and world history. The Institute uses Istanbul as an intellectual point of departure to explore the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and modern Turkey. The Institute's program situates this history in the larger context of the Mediterranean and Middle East and in the even broader framework of world history with its emphasis on cross-cultural encounters and global comparisons.