
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2014 - 12/31/2016

Funding Totals

$199,629.00 (approved)
$199,628.04 (awarded)

Mesoamerican Cultures and Their Histories: Focus on Oaxaca

FAIN: ES-50550-14

University of Oregon (Eugene, OR 97403-5219)
Stephanie G. Wood (Project Director: March 2014 to May 2017)

A four-week institute for thirty school teachers on Mesoamerican history and culture.

This four-week summer institute for K-12 school teachers of history/social studies, art, language arts, science, ESL, and Spanish will be held in Oaxaca, Mexico and is designed to facilitate the expanded integration of Mesoamerican cultural heritage materials, including new discoveries and the latest research, into curricular units that will appeal to a variety of learners and bring greater multicultural depth and understanding into U.S. classrooms. The aim is to explore how the histories of Mesoamerican peoples might provide useful comparisons for probing humanities questions in the broader American and the global context. We will address questions such as how societies emerge and evolve, how they experience cultural florescence and decline, the impact of colonialism and responses to it, and how indigenous peoples make their way in a globalized world, with particular attention to cultural encounters and exchange.

Associated Products

NEH Summer Institute for School Teachers, Oaxaca, 2015 (Web Resource)
Title: NEH Summer Institute for School Teachers, Oaxaca, 2015
Author: Stephanie Wood
Abstract: This website was created for holding content for the NEH Summer Institutes run in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2010, 2011, 2014, and 2015. It contains many materials that teachers can use for developing curriculum about "Mesoamerican Cultures and their Histories," which was the title for the institutes. The site also holds copies of curricula developed by teacher-participants in the institutes. All but one of these curricular units are open-access, and one is password protected.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This is a website at the University of Oregon

NEH Oaxaca: Mesoamerican Cultures and Their Histories (Web Resource)
Title: NEH Oaxaca: Mesoamerican Cultures and Their Histories
Author: Stephanie Wood
Abstract: This is a Facebook page where the author regularly posts content that may be useful to teachers wishing to develop curriculum relating to Mesoamerican Cultures and their Histories. It is an open group with 659 followers (as of August 2016).
Year: 2014
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This is a Facebook resources page that was built in 2014 and expanded in 2015 and 2016.