Kant's Encounters with Milton's Tragic Sublime
FAIN: FA-37066-02
Sanford Budick
Hebrew University (Jerusalem 00000 Israel)
No project description available
Media Coverage
Kant and Milton (Review)
Author(s): Stephen Fallon
Publication: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Date: 4/2/2011
URL: http://ndpr.nd.edu/news/24674-kant-and-milton/
Associated Products
Kant and Milton (Book)Title: Kant and Milton
Author: Sanford Budick
Abstract: KANT AND MILTON brings to bear new evidence and long-neglected materials to show the importance of Kant’s encounter with Milton’s poetry to the formation of Kant’s moral and aesthetic thought. Sanford Budick reveals the relation between a poetic vision and a philosophy that theorized what that poetry was doing. As Plato and Aristotle contemplate Homer, so Kant contemplates Milton. In all these cases philosophy and poetry allow us to better understand each other. Milton gave voice to the transformation of human understanding effected by the Protestant Revolt, making poetry of the idea that human reason is created self-sufficient. Kant turned that religiously inflected poetry into the richest modern philosophy. Milton’s bold self-reliance is Kant’s as well.
Using lectures of Kant that have been published only in the past decade, Budick develops an account of Kant based on his lifelong absorption in the poetry of Milton, especially Paradise Lost. By bringing to bear the immense power of his reflections on aesthetic and moral form, Kant produced one of the most penetrating interpretations of Milton’s achievement that has ever been offered and, at the same time, reached new peaks in the development of aesthetics and moral reason.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674050051Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: ISBN 978067405
The James Holly Hanford Award
Date: 1/7/2012
Organization: The Milton Society of America