A New Edition of Ancient Greek Inscriptions: INSCRIPTIONES GRAECAE II (3), fascicle 9
FAIN: FA-52953-07
Kevin Clinton
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY 14850-2820)
The goal is completion of a volume of ancient Greek inscriptions, fascicle 9, for the third edition of INSCRIPTIONES GRAECAE II, the corpus of the inscriptions of Athens, published by the Berlin Academy of Sciences. Fascicle 9 will contain 206 Athenian documents in three main categories: 1) decrees of Athenian colonies known as cleruchies; 2) honorary decrees issued by various civic, religious, and professional bodies; 3) religious regulations known as "sacred laws." The edition, conforming to standard practice and methodology in the field of epigraphy, will correct and enrich our knowledge of the history of Athens and its colonies; of the structure and activities of Attic associations; and of Athenian religious practice and ritual.