Book Culture on the Qing Frontier: Publishing in Sichuan, 17th-20th Centuries
FAIN: FA-53532-07
Cynthia Brokaw
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH 43210-1349)
“Book Culture on the Qing Frontier: Publishing in Sichuan, 17th-20th Centuries” examines the development of publishing and the creation of a Chinese book culture on the southwestern frontier (Sichuan province) of the Qing empire. It maps the transmission of printing technologies and texts from the established coastal publishing centers to the frontier; describes the growth of publishing in the province; analyzes the content of Sichuan book culture, both elite and popular; and traces the textual integration of Sichuan into the Chinese world during the 18th and 19th centuries. Through a study of Tibetan publishing in Sichuan, it also explores the impact that a parallel, non-Han, textual culture had on this process of cultural integration.