Lamaze: An International History
FAIN: FA-55153-10
Paula A. Michaels
University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA 52242-1320)
Lamaze: An International History traces the surprising story of modern efforts to prepare women for childbirth and alleviate pain during delivery through education, and both physical and psychological training. Originating in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s, the method, also known as psychoprophylaxis, or PPM, took root in France in the mid-1950s and in the U.S. after 1960. Historians of the Cold War have since 1991 revisited the social and political history of those dark decades in ways that increasingly bring the two sides into dialogue with one another. The work will illuminate social and intellectual crosscurrents that breached an iron curtain more porous than once believed. For Russian area studies specialists, this work offers a model for establishing the deeper integration of Russian and Soviet history into that of the rest of the developed world. Historians and anthropologists of medicine, as well as specialist in women's studies will find much of interest in this work.
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Abstract: Bound up with debates over the origin of labor pain were concerns for how to accurately assess pain’s intensity. Most clinical research on the efficacy of psychoprophylaxis centred on judging women’s performance based on outward signs of suffering. Grimaces, clenched jaws, crying, and screaming were interpreted as indicators of the method’s (or, more often, the woman’s) failure. Sceptical of the accuracy of such cues and reluctant to trust the testimony of women themselves, some investigators sought what they touted as more objective measures of pain or predictors of women’s pain threshold. For example, Sverdlovsk pharmacology professor A.K. Sangailo developed a machine he called to sensograph, which used electrodes to administer variable electric current to women in order to identify their pain threshold and predict their success or failure using psychoprophylaxis in labour.
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Editor: Otniel Dror
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Year: 2012
Publisher: Rodopi
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