Constructing A Universal: State Formation in Britain, Burma, and Siam
FAIN: FB-37635-02
Neil A. Englehart
Lafayette College (Easton, PA 18042-7625)
No project description available
Associated Products
Liberal Leviathan or Outpost of Empire? J.S. Furnivall on Colonial Rule in Burma (Article)Title: Liberal Leviathan or Outpost of Empire? J.S. Furnivall on Colonial Rule in Burma
Author: Neil A. Englehart
Abstract: J.S. Furnivall in his influential account of the impact of British rule in Burma argues that British officials laid down a Liberal administration that exposed the colony to market forces, monetized the economy and devastated communities. However, there is little evidence that British administrators actually thought in Liberal terms: they relied heavily on institutions inherited from the Burmese monarchy, and when they introduced new administrative methods they were drawn from other parts of British India and only indirectly influenced by Liberalism. Furnivall’s view of the ideological origins of British administration in turn distort his reading of the impact of British rule, as illustrated by recent work on the pre-colonial economy showing that it was in fact more monetized and commercialized than Furnivall claims. If his account of the pre-modern economy is not viable, Furnivall’s claims about the impact of British colonialism in Burma demand reevaluation.
Year: 2011
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Modern Asian Studies
Representing Civilization: Ornamentalism, Solidarism and Siam’s Entry into International Society (Article)Title: Representing Civilization: Ornamentalism, Solidarism and Siam’s Entry into International Society
Author: Neil A. Englehart
Abstract: Although norms are important in various schools of international relations theory, there has been relatively little effort to integrate their various uses of the term. Here I seek to bring together the Constructivist use of norms based on individual human agency with the English School’s concept of solidarism. This perspective helps make sense of the expansion of international society, a point demonstrated through a study of the
apparently anomalous case of Siam, which achieved sovereignty without developing significant military power. Siamese elites were able to gain inclusion in international society by enacting solidarism with European conceptions of ‘civilized’ behavior and using European conceptions of class to trump preconceptions about race.
Year: 2010
Periodical Title: European Journal of International Relations
Resource Conflict and Ethnic Peace in Northern Thailand (Article)Title: Resource Conflict and Ethnic Peace in Northern Thailand
Author: Neil A. Englehart
Abstract: Although northern Thailand has experienced both ethnic discrimination and resource conflicts, neither has produced significant organised violence. The relative absence of ethnically mobilised natural resource conflict in northern Thailand is due in part to the historical pattern of state formation, and in part to the Thai state’s capacity to deter and mediate conflicts before they escalate
into organised violence.
Year: 2008
Periodical Title: Asia Pacific Viewpoint
Is Regime Change Enough For Burma? The Problem of State Capacity (Article)Title: Is Regime Change Enough For Burma? The Problem of State Capacity
Author: Neil A. Englehart
Abstract: The US and the EU employ sanctions to encourage regime change in Burma. This policy ignores serious problems of state capacity that impede a transition to democracy and would plague any transitional regime. Engagement with the current regime on issues of state capacity would improve the chances for a transition.
Year: 2005
Primary URL: URL Description: Worldcat Entry
Periodical Title: Asian Survey