Andean Symbolism in the Mestizo Style Architecture of Highland Peru and Bolivia, 1670-1770
FAIN: FB-51557-05
Gauvin Alexander Bailey
Clark University (Worcester, MA 01610-1400)
This book project reconsiders the carved architectural decoration of the Baroque architecture of Southern Peru and Bolivia, known as the "Mestizo" style owing to its blending of Andean and European Baroque motifs, symbols, and styles. Scholars have seen the "Mestizo" style either as a continuation of pre-Hispanic culture or as a romantic resurrection of the past by a largely Europeanized society. In contrast, this study will show that while contemporary social concerns inspired this return to indigenous symbolism—both on the part of indigenous groups and their colonial overlords—the Mestizo style is also a genuine expression of a visual culture that derived from pre-Hispanic roots but developed, changed, and flourished in the colonial era.
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Primary URL: University of Notre Dame Press
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