
Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars

Period of Performance

1/1/2005 - 9/30/2005

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Francis of Assisi's Mission to al-Kâmil of Egypt in Western Art and Historiography

FAIN: FB-51939-05

John Victor Tolan
Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR 97331-8655)

In September, 1219, Francis of Assisi went to Egypt to preach to Sultan al-Malik al- Kâmil. Though we in fact know very little about this event, writers from the thirteenth century to the twentieth have portrayed Francis alternatively as a new apostle preaching to the infidels, a scholastic theologian proving the truth of Christianity, a champion of the crusading ideal, a naive and quixotic wanderer, a crazed religious fanatic, or a medieval Gandhi preaching peace, love and understanding. My study of the varying depictions of this lapidary encounter will attempt to throw into relief the changing fears and hopes that Muslim- Christian encounters inspire in European writers over eight centuries.

Associated Products

Tolan, John Victor. Saint Francis and the Sultan The Curious History of a Christian-Muslim Encounter. (Book)
Title: Tolan, John Victor. Saint Francis and the Sultan The Curious History of a Christian-Muslim Encounter.
Author: John Tolan
Abstract: A detailed and generously illustrated study of the richly varied western artistic responses to the meeting between St Francis and Sultan al-Malik al-Kâmil in 1219 Illuminates the changing fears and responses that Muslim-Christian encounters have inspired in European artists and writers in the centuries since Provides a uniquely broad but precise overview of the evolution of Western attitudes to Islam and the Arab world over the last eight hundred years In September, 1219, as the armies of the Fifth Crusade besieged the Egyptian city of Damietta, Francis of Assisi went to Egypt to preach to Sultan al-Malik al-Kâmil. Although we in fact know very little about this event, this has not prevented artists and writers from the thirteenth century to the twentieth, unencumbered by mere facts, from portraying Francis alternatively as a new apostle preaching to the infidels, a scholastic theologian proving the truth of Christianity, a champion of the crusading ideal, a naive and quixotic wanderer, a crazed religious fanatic, or a medieval Gandhi preaching peace, love, and understanding. Al-Kâmil, on the other hand, is variously presented as an enlightened pagan monarch hungry for evangelical teaching, a cruel oriental despot, or a worldly libertine. Saint Francis and the Sultan takes a detailed look at these richly varied artistic responses to this brief but highly symbolic meeting. Throwing into relief the changing fears and hopes that Muslim-Christian encounters have inspired in European artists and writers in the centuries since, it gives a uniquely broad but precise vision of the evolution of Western attitudes towards Islam and the Arab world over the last eight hundred years. Readership: Scholars and students of medieval history and cultural history. General readership interested in the history of Muslim/Christian relations.
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Worldcat
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Oxford University Press
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 978-0-19-92397

Tolan, John Victor. Le saint chez le sultan: La rencontre de Franc¸ois d'Assise et de l'islam. Huit sie`cles d'interpre´tation. (Book)
Title: Tolan, John Victor. Le saint chez le sultan: La rencontre de Franc¸ois d'Assise et de l'islam. Huit sie`cles d'interpre´tation.
Author: John
Abstract: En 1219, dans le cadre de la cinquième croisade, François d’Assise rend visite au sultan Malik al-Kâmil. Cette rencontre du christianisme et de l’islam n’a cessé depuis huit siècles de nourrir interprétations et représentations. Des discours hagiographiques à Benoît XVI en passant par Voltaire, des fresques de la basilique d’Assise aux gravures de Gustave Doré, l’événement a suscité une abondance de points de vue : geste de martyr ? mission de prédication aux infidèles ? acte d’audace naïf ? volonté de négocier une issue pacifique et, partant, modèle de dialogue pour l’Église d’aujourd’hui ? Autant de questions qui sont ici replacées dans leur contexte et soumises au crible du regard de l’historien.
Year: 2007
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Worldcat
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Seuil (publisher)
Publisher: Le Seuil
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9782020928151


Prix Diane Potier-Boès
Date: 11/1/2008
Organization: Académie Française